Quickly share the latest best practices, product comparisons with each other and our clients. Our strategic solutions are continually updated by a community of experts
CEVOs enables organizations quickly share the latest best practices, product comparison with each other and our clients. Our footprint also enables us to support the implementation of offset engineering engagements in multiple locations around the world. Our strategic solutions are continually updated by a community of experts. They provide a pragmatic, flexible and innovative methodology to meet our clients’ business requirements. These solutions can be delivered on-site via fixed-price contracts or off-site through one of our service centers. We undertake major technical and engineering innovation projects for the R&D departments of major global players. Our technical expertise and deep industry knowledge bring added value to our solutions. Our offers support your business requirements and anticipate technical evolutions in a number of areas
CEVOS helps in
Develop a workload model that allows you to accurately simulate how well the target storage systems under consideration will perform based on a variety of real-world testing scenarios. This will help you substantiate your claims with the performance numbers from our test results and also we will help you uncover any limitations that may arise from the testing. The CEVOS testing includes:
CEVOs tests and validates flash with deduplication and compression with high accuracy, tremendous load and extremely realistic workload patterns. We use industry standard methods for generating and verifying streams that represent repeatable random and repeatable contents.
IOmeter or FIO can give you data on what you can expect from SSD but not from application perspective. But we at CEVOs can uncover those number from application perspective whether it is OLTP or DSS workloads. We will help you uncover the strengths and weakness of the drives under test. These tests are near applications type of workloads representing real world environments such Oracle, SQL Server, MongoDB, Cassandra DB, SCYLLA DB.
Other challenges include:
By way of our technical marketing services expertise, we produce and deliver end-to-end documentation deliverables in various formats, such as PDF, CHM, and HTML.
Our writing team can augment your internal product marketing efforts to deliver collateral that promotes your data storage solutions and helps your sales team quickly close more business for your company.