Software Driven Application Builds, Deployments and Operations
powered by Digital Infrastructure
Cloud Native Application Deployments for Enterprise
Connecting Cloud, Application Builds & Deployments, Operations,ChatOps, Voice, Lex Packaged in enterprise wrapper for a secure self service experience
Application deployments based on Infrastructure agnostic approach. One Model, Any Cloud, Provides developers the ability to deploy across multiple cloudproviders.
Containers powered byKubernetes
Deploy and orchestrate cloud native container- basedappson Kubernetes,eitheron-premisesorin the cloud. Use infrastructure as code to define and deploy Kubernetesservices.
Integrated Software Development Lifecycle andContinuousdeploymentframeworktosupport automated application deployments on hybrid infrastructure.
Software driven operations, enablingdevelopers, Operations and Platform Engineers work in a collaboration based environment powered by socialinterfaceslikeChat,VoiceandSocialFeeds.
Platform features and capabilities to drive digital transformation
Collaborate, Code,Share, and reuse stacks across applications and teams using amodel.
Integration with SDLCtools, Build and Deployorchestra- tions using standard ALM practices.
Support docker container based micro services deploymentsorchestrated byKubernetes.
Secrets &Configuration
Manage configuration and Secrets for apps and infrastructure to support cloud nativedeployments.
Audit andTracibility
End to end traceability form builds todeployments activities to promotesecure operations.
ChatOps & VoiceOps
Collaborativeenvironment for developers, operations and platform teams using Chat basedOps.